Jonathan Edewards

Are you screening Job Applicants effectively?

Plan and follow a procedure when hiring

Does your business have a procedure or checklist to ensure that you hire the right employee who is capable of doing his/her work safely and productively?

Hiring the right employees impacts:

  1. Overall safety
  2. Workers Compensation
  3. Likelihood of facing a lawsuit or property loss.

EMC Insurance Companies is sensitive to this employment concern and has created an informational guide that details the benefits of prework screening in the hiring process and outlines steps employers can use to develop their unique and integrated program.

Using appropriate prework screening, you can:

  • Determine whether or not job candidates can safely perform the essential physical demands of the job for which they applied, were selected and given a conditional job offer
  • Use a properly constructed assessment tool that is medical in nature and legally defensible because it is based on measurable task criteria (such as written job descriptions using functional analysis data)
  • Know, step by step, how to establish their pre-work screening policy and measurable protocols.

Get Help.  Your insurance agent is there for you.

Call me and ask for “the Prework Screening Guide,” prepared by the Loss Control department of EMC Insurance.