Jonathan Edewards

OSHA’s new Chemical Hazard communication standards

A timeline for implementing OSHA‘s new chemical warnings (HCS 2012)

Most businesses have chemicals used for cleaning & manufacturing.  OSHA has changed the rules for posting notices of potential hazards.

Keep up-to-date on the “Global Harmonization System” (GHS):

1. Keep employees safer from chemical hazards

2. Reduce the likelihood of fines for non-compliance.

Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Take the time now to become educated on the new hazard communication standard requirements by viewing OSHA’s side-by-side comparison document at

Step 2: By Dec. 1, 2013, train all employees on the new classification and labeling system.

Step 3: By June 1, 2015, modify your current written hazard communication program accordingly.

Step 4: Also by June 1, 2015, obtain updated safety data sheets (SDS) for all chemicals within your facility. (Distributors have until Dec. 1, 2015, to ship containers and SDS.)

Step 5: By June 1, 2016, modify all labels within your facility to comply with the new standard.

Need help? Call your insurance agent

Call me to get connected with your insurance company’s loss control department.  Your insurance company is interested in avoiding losses to your business and has a “Loss Control” team whose job it is to help business owners prevent accidents and claims from occurring.